13 Cons Of Turkish Van Cats Going Outside

Turkish Van Cats Going Outside

There are many cons of Turkish van cats going outside which this post will address.

If you have a Turkish Van Cat, you need to be careful when letting your cat outside.

They can be seriously injured by other cats, dogs and even skunks. Keeping your Turkish van indoors is also part of caring for Turkish van cats.

Plus, if one leaves the house without permission—or gets lost—it could mean trouble for your entire family!

Cons Of Turkish Van Cats Going Outside

Here are some common cons of Turkish van cats going outside:

They can be killed by other cats outside

Cats are territorial. They will fight to defend their territory and kill any other cats who enter it.

Cats can be injured by other cats or humans when they’re outside, especially if the cat is not used to being around people or dogs.

They are exposed to diseases like rabies outside

Rabies is a deadly disease that can be transmitted through saliva.

The virus is spread by bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes. Always look out for Turkish van cat signs of illness if you let them go outside.

It’s important to keep your cat indoors so they don’t get exposed to other animals’ saliva or body fluids that may contain the rabies virus.

They are exposed to feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a very serious disease that can spread to other cats.

It’s caused by a virus and has symptoms such as an upset stomach, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss.

If you have more than one cat, this illness can be spread from one cat to another through contact with their feces or saliva—and it’s not just your cats at risk!

If your pets come into contact with someone else’s infected cat through shared spaces like litter boxes or kitty playtime on the floor, then they could become carriers themselves too!

The best way to protect yourself from FIP is by keeping your own feline friends indoors where they won’t get exposed to germs from other animals who might carry it around their house too.

They may face harassment from other cats outside

Your cat may be targeted by other cats and dogs outside.

Cats often face harassment from other cats, especially if they are smaller or weaker than their aggressors.

This can lead to fights that result in serious injury or even death for both parties involved.

In addition, your cat may be attacked by other animals that live outside; this could result in serious injuries for your feline friend as well!

You don’t want to run into a skunk with your Turkish Van

Skunks are a common problem in the United States, but they’re even more of a nuisance to Turkish Van cats.

If you have one outside, skunks can get into your yard—which is annoying enough as it is—but they also pose dangers to your cat if they spray their musk.

The smell of skunk spray is extremely strong and lingers for hours after the animal’s release.

It’s also highly toxic; even just one drop will cause severe pain and nausea within 30 minutes of exposure!

The best way to prevent this from happening is by keeping all animals inside during daylight hours (except those allowed outside).

And making sure that fences are very tall so that no animals can climb over them or jump over them at night.

Dogs can seriously injure them

The fact that your cat is a van cat doesn’t mean you can leave her outside without fear of injury.

Dogs are known for their aggression and the potential for serious harm if they get too close to your cat.

While she may be comfortable being in the confines of her own space, dogs can seriously injure them.

Additionally, if a dog approaches your cat while she’s outside, she might panic and run into traffic or another obstacle in an attempt to escape the situation.

This could lead to serious bodily harm or even death!

The best thing you can do is keep them safe by keeping them indoors at all times when possible—especially during hot weather days when temperatures rise quickly outside (and sometimes inside).

They can be hit by cars outside

If you are not aware, cats can be hit by cars. This is a very real risk that any cat owner should be aware of, and it does not just apply to Turkish van cats.

You may think that your cat is safe on the street because he’s inside with you or in his home with a door closed, but this isn’t always true.

In fact, there have been countless stories about cats being hit by cars while they were out in public places such as parks and playgrounds—even within the city limits!

Many drivers don’t realize how fast they would have to go before they could stop themselves from hitting something else.

Besides other vehicles on their way down roads filled with pedestrians walking around minding their own business (and yes these people do exist).

If someone was going above 30 miles per hour when coming into contact with another vehicle traveling at 20 mph then chances are high that this collision could lead into injuries for both parties involved.

Especially if one person hits their head against something hard enough like concrete below ground level where no one else lives anymore.

Outdoor cats are 2-3 times more likely to contract cancer

One of the biggest reasons to keep your cat indoors is that they’re less likely to contract cancer.

Outdoor cats are 2-3 times more likely to contract cancer, and this can be devastating for them and their owners.

One of the other reasons you should keep your cat indoors is because it prevents them from contracting FIP (feline interferon-induced polyarthritis).

Which is another common ailment among outdoor cats. In fact, FIP is so prevalent among outdoor cats that it’s even been dubbed “the new plague” by veterinarians who work with these fur balls!

They can be taken by animal control team

Animal control teams are often called to remove the cats from the property.

The cats may be put down, or the cats may be adopted by someone else.

They may get lost forever, so letting your Turkish van cat go outside unsupervised is not a good idea.

They can get fleas outside

Fleas are a common problem for cats, and they can cause itching and skin irritation.

Flea bites can transmit tapeworms and other diseases that your cat could catch from other animals.

If a flea infestation goes untreated, it can be very difficult to get rid of them completely.

It’s important not just to keep your cat indoors, but also to make sure that they aren’t exposed to any potential threats outside.

Your cat could get lost or stolen outdoors.

  • Your cat can get lost outside.
  • Your cat can be stolen outside.
  • Your cat can be stolen to be used as bait for dog fighting, or illegal animal fighting (euthanasia).

They can worms outside

Your Turkish van cat can get worms outside.

Ringworm is another risk factor for the Turkish Van cat, so you should be aware of this condition if your cat has any skin issues or bumps on its body.

Mange is a serious parasitic disease that affects animals like cats and dogs but also other animals such as foxes, rabbits and coyotes.

Which means it might make its way into your home if you have a stray pet wandering around!

They can get ear mites outside

Ear mites are a common problem for cats.

They can be treated with ear drops and a flea and tick treatment, but if your cat has already been diagnosed with ear mites, it’s important to get them treated as soon as possible.

Ear mites are tiny parasites that live in the ears of cats and dogs.

They feed on blood from their host’s skin cells and cause irritation of the skin around the ears, which causes redness or swelling of those areas (known as “pimples”).

If left untreated for too long they may lead to an infection called otitis external.

Which is where pus develops under your pet’s skin near their ears—or anemia due to loss of blood volume due to excessive scratching within affected areas; these conditions can be fatal if not treated quickly enough!


When it comes down to it, the only reason you should allow your Turkish Van cat outside is for fun.

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t let them stay outside and be exposed to any of these health risks.

The best option is to take your cat indoors where they can live out their life in peace, safe from harm.

There are still some common ways of keeping your Turkish van cat entertained indoors.

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